
Raelyn Miller-Ramirez

March 2021

In August 2020, our spunky 6 year old firecracker Rae Bae started showing a lack of energy or interest in activities and was starting to lose her balance.  After multiple trips to her pediatrician with unknown answers, we decided to bring Raelyn to Doernbecher Children's Hospital to get the answers we needed.

The answer we got was nowhere near what we ever expected. 

An MRI showed a 'decent sized' tumor at the base of her cerebellum.   When I heard the words 'emergency surgery' and 'you're not going home', I just knew something was horribly wrong.

Two days later, after an 8 hour long surgery, we were blindsided to find out that our sweet and sassy little girl was diagnosed with Medulloblastoma.

Our world came crashing down, this happens in movies or to other people....  not to our smart and adventurous little girl!

Raelyn lost most of her vision, with an unknown return, and developed a small form of posterior fossa syndrome. 

Even though she is fighting the biggest fight of her life, Raelyn continues to amaze us every day.  She strives to learn to adapt to what has been thrown her way.

Raelyn continues to be the kindest and most empathetic little lady that anyone who knows or meets her, loves to be around.  Always wanting to help others and make sure that everyone is always smiling.

Our Rae of sunshine is truly our warrior princess who loves almost everything!  Mostly, her brother Ryker who is 2, music of all kinds (80's & 90's rock are her fav's), playing outside, discovering new adventures, laughing so loud and hard.

Raelyn is excited to be cancer free and enjoy the rest of her best life.